Why Summer is the Best Time for a Lawn Spray Service

Why Summer is the Best Time for a Lawn Spray Service

Bug spray, sunscreen, and protective clothing are staples of summer safety here in Texas. It’s simple. You’d like to avoid taking a creepy-crawly pest with you when you’re out in the yard. You also don’t want to be attacked by swarms or nests...
Do Natural DIY Solutions Work for Your Pest Control?

Do Natural DIY Solutions Work for Your Pest Control?

Whether you’re dealing with ants, bedbugs, termites, or any other creepy crawlies, those uninvited guests are more than just a pain and inconvenience. While you’ll find lots of pest control options out there, not every pest control method is equal in...
Top 8 Ways to Save Your Sugar from the Ants

Top 8 Ways to Save Your Sugar from the Ants

Ants are not always harmful, but they are a nuisance. If you’ve ever dealt with these six-legged menaces breaking and entering, you know that they suddenly appear in:     Jars of honey   Sugar   Cereal  ...
Signs of Rodents in Your Home

Signs of Rodents in Your Home

Rodents may be portrayed as cute and lovable in mainstream media, but as any homeowner knows, the reality of a rodent infestation is anything but cute. So, if you smell a rat (both literally and metaphorically), you’re in the right place. Here are the top 4 signs that...