Ant Control

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Ant Varieties of Lubbock, Texas
There are over 200 native species of ants in Texas.
As you may be painfully aware, Lubbock has quite a unique climate. So much so, in fact, that in 2013 Lubbock was named the “Toughest Weather City” in America, according to the Weather Channel!
This interesting climate situation means that several different species of Ant can make their home in the Hub City. What’s more interesting is that certain species of ants will behave differently in Lubbock versus the rest of Texas!
Some of the common species of ants you might find on your property are:
Scroll down to learn more about these specific pests.
We mentioned Flying Ants. This type of Ant is frequently mistaken for Termites. Learn how to distinguish between these two flying pests.
Termites vs. Flying Ants

Termites have straight antennae and straight bodies. Their wings are of equal length, and their bodies are lightly colored – ranging from white to light brown.

Flying Ants
Carpenter ants, while similar to termites, have distinct differences in their appearance. Their bodies are colored dark and are pinched with three different segments. They have bent antennae.
Flying Ants‘ wings are different sizes and the hind wings are shorter than those of a termite.
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Fire Ants
Fire ants are notorious for both their appearance and their bite. According to top entomologists at Texas Tech University, Fire Ants have been present in Lubbock since 1984 [See Recognition of Fire Ants in Lubbock].
Due to the relatively arid climate, Fire Ants do not build the tall mounds that they’re usually associated with. Instead, Fire Ants will build short 2-inch mounds covered in a coffee grounds-like substance.
These mounds will commonly be built next to sidewalks or roads, in order to leech off of the pavement’s heat and to take advantage of any water run-off.
Many different ant species mounds can appear to have this coffee-grounds-like substance on top, but what separates Fire Ants from other species is their aggressiveness. If a Fire Ant mound is disturbed, hundreds of ants can come pouring out at once in an effort to protect their hive.
This aggressive nature of the fire ant makes it all the more crucial to contact an exterminator or pest control specialist immediately upon finding an infestation.
Flying Ants
Flying Ants do not bite but can sting.
They are usually found in clumps and masses after a rainstorm on pavement or sidewalks. This is because high amounts of rain can drive them from their homes in the ground.
Typically, flying ants don’t post a serious risk of infestations. So while their clumping behavior can seem intimidating when found after a rainstorm, they will typically disperse in a few days by themselves, as their purpose is to extend the life of their colony.
Swarming does not happen frequently, so exterminators and pest control companies focus on preventative services. You can vacuum up flying ants and dispose of them as they are visible.
If you’ve got a serious Ant problem, be sure to call us here at Pest Management Services to help exterminate the pests.